"Death and rebirth in front of a fire under the stars" - Marco M.

Death and rebirth in front of a fire under the stars

A few days ago, Emanuela and I did our personal "lateral" retreat. Alone we waited for the sunset, lit a fire, took psychotropic substances within our own ritual made of sounds and communion with the elements. We disappeared from a dimension to find ourselves together in a bubble outside of space-time.

After a while, as night fell, everything became silent. My body vibrated, each of my cells perceived as a world in itself and a unique entity but contextually part of the galaxy that I define myself. What is inside is perceived exactly as what is outside, I have therefore perceived myself as a single entity, but also as something that transcends my "person". Sitting upright in a meditation position, probably shivering, crossed by a thousand rivers as if they were the souls of my ancestors, every now and then I would return to the bodily dimension, letting my gaze wander among the shimmering stars, lost in the wonderfully intense sensation of cold outside and fire inside. 

Manu lying next to me, my traveling companion in the world above and below, angel and demon, wonderful muse that incredibly allows me to be part of her spirit.

Then I perceived satori, the experiential understanding: death is nothing more than a passage from individuality to universality of which there is no point in being afraid. Citing Crazy Horse, every day perceived as "good to die" is at the same time a hymn to life. That day I died and then I was reborn, identical to myself and yet profoundly changed.    
