Drinking the forest

I happen to feel like a huge "c***" when I don't perceive the evidence and I behave and think just like someone I don't like. These days I felt like this and being aware of this evidence was a sort of satori.

I find myself in the middle of an isolated forest with Emanuela. One afternoon I observe her intently focusing on the mountain pines that surround us, with particular attention. She smells them, touches the tips of the evergreen needles still wet with dew, caresses them gently. She then picks some tips of the branches, washes them carefully and then brews a fragrant extract with them. 

She offers me the drink and I, ignorantly, ask her: "Does it have any specific properties, is it good for you for something in particular?" As soon as I pronounce the words, I already feel like an imbecile, perhaps it is also the masculine part that tries to put order to "things", but that borders on gross utilitarianism. She looks at me patiently as she would look at a child who does not understand and has to learn. 

She replies, "It's used to drink the forest and to tune in with its vibration." In an instant I realize the magic that surrounds us, of life in the form of trees and mountains. I feel that what is important for me today is to totally get out of the retailer mentality that makes me value things based on benefits and use. Finally I understand that I am  "part of" and not an isolated being who "uses".

By the way , the pine extract was delicious!


alessandra quattordio