The simple complexity of Love

The simple complexity of Love

Recently we have talked with friends about love and I would like to publicly share some thoughts that have arisen despite knowing that talking about Love is like talking about meditation and the sublime "feeling" that escapes any definition.

I will dwell on just two aspects. The first concerns necessity. Living in an age drugged by the myth of false freedom and independence, it is difficult to understand and experience Love which is a necessary and dependent relationship. As Plato said, two beings in Love complement each other and can no longer exist without each other. 

The other person becomes necessary because they're no longer "other" from me but are part of who I am and my life without them no longer has meaning. It wasn't uncommon that when the loved one died, the other person also died shortly after, spontaneously. I have always found it to be a heartbreaking beauty and I hope I can survive no more than seven breaths without Her .

The second important aspect is the holistic aspect of love. When you love, you love the other person totally and you are not in the least able to separate qualities and flaws, Love knows no divisions. When you catch yourself saying "I love you, but" it means that what you feel is still in the mental sphere and has nothing to do with an authentic feeling.
