Being "Covid Free" means having your mind cleared of reflected clouds of a year and six months of media terrorism and public-health regime.
Read MoreI believe that freedom as well as balance are mental spaces that must be constantly pursued, knowing that they can never be fully achieved.
Read MoreI would like to say that the label "master" is really strong and out of place. We yoga teachers, or various other arts of the movement, are only teachers or if you prefer instructors. However, our mission goes far beyond technique.
Read MoreIt's a historic moment for psychoactive drugs. The therapeutic effects are finally being made legal and the US is preparing to legalise LSD at least for therapeutic purposes, with Oregon already moving forward.
Read MoreI'd like to begin this editorial by saying that I am not trying to depress you, though I hope that sooner or later Italians will smarten up and understand the mistake of having given away our freedom and above all they will do everything possible to reclaim it.
Read MoreOne of the greatest ignorances that I come across nowadays in the sharing of philosophy and knowledge linked to "spiritual" and scientific traditions, which revolve around self-consciousness and consciousness in the broadest sense, are the false mythological expectations disseminated by supposedly Enlightened Grandmasters of the past.
Read MoreRight, now that I got your attention we can get directly into the heart of the matter. Each of us, when practicing yoga, perceives its benefits at various levels: physical, psychological, spiritual, cosmic! But what happens in practitioners' brains? Are there any differences? Well, neuroscientific research says yes: there are brain regions that show a higher volume among people who engage in this discipline.
Read MoreYes. I simply had to listen. I'm kidding, it wasn't easy at all. In the meantime, because I had to find the courage to ask myself the question 'is this really how I want to spend my life?', but then when I did, the answer was simple. Honestly... nope.
Read MoreWhen you fall trapped in a labyrinth of thoughts, anxieties, inner complaints, you slide into it quickly, like Alice in the White Rabbit’s hole.
Read MoreIn the past week I have seen the Liberation Day's celebrations that happened almost eighty years ago. Almost everyone who celebrated, and I am in favour of every party and gathering, does not have an experiential knowledge of the matter, they celebrate an event that they haven't known first hand.
Read MoreI know, being at home in front of a screen is convenient and makes you feel "safe". For education you can stay in the comfort of your home, in front of your computer screen, you can wear just pajamas, take as many breaks as you want, poke your nose or whatever. You may also record the class and think about it when you feel like it or when you think it's the right time.
Read MoreReligion and spirituality, two categories that may sometimes coincide, are linked to each other by a hypothesis that probably does not make sense and that is the basis of their mission. The hypothesis is that there is a soul or a real self, a nucleus within the human being that we can consider our real identity and that most likely does not exist.
Read MoreHave you ever noticed that when we spend time with people from another Country, or even another county, our accent changes? Have you ever heard that, after living together for a long time, a couple becomes more alike? These stories of basic psychology are nothing but examples of how people, while interacting with each other, begin to adopt mirroring mechanisms in an unconscious way.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to create well-being? It means so many things, all of them equally relevant. First of all, it means to create a situation of well-being for yourself. Trying to build a fulfilling life that is jam-packed with so many joyful moments.
Read MoreThere’s a song that stuck in my head as it happened to so many others after the Sanremo Italian Music Festival. The beat makes you move a little and, given today’s stillness, it’s already something, but what really stuck is that one word that I want to repeat till I drop: "LIGHT" indeed "VERY LIGHT".
Read MoreWhen you have the urge to harm someone, when you can't help but notice a sneaky inconfessable satisfaction in bad-mouthing someone, or hearing others do it, you're actually the first victim. The pain has already affected you and is part of you.
Read MoreThe very few people who really support the idea of freedom, are those who are ready to defend a source of information, ideology or at least a different way of thinking from their own.
Read MoreI'm doing a lot of talking these days: for work, because I feel I need to explain and I need to understand.
Read MoreSocial order and the political system are based on the dominant visions, paradigms and philosophical theories concerning the human being and his nature. We have a liberal democratic system, based on the theory of equal dignity for all beings.
Read MoreIs there such a thing as the perfect Asana? Is there a perfect wave? And I.. can I ever be perfect?
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