Ascetic heroism

In today's society, freedom is often mistaken with liberalism. You manipulate people into believing that the purpose to be pursued in life is to live in a comfort zone, do as little as possible, earn as much money as possible, be free to go where you want, be "viewed", replace friends and partners as if they were objects until you are "free" to change gender at will.

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alessandra quattordio
Total Power

With this post I just want to raise the "hand" with humility and ask you if really this universalism and individualism favored by the fall of every identity is not instead a chasm that is leading us towards an absolute and dystopian power.

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alessandra quattordio
Legitimate Discrimination

The horrifying "do-gooder" thought has turned the term "discrimination" into a "Bad" word. The one who discriminates is considered a despicable being with the clear result of an ethical and intellectual flattening downwards.

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alessandra quattordio
You don't owe THEM any explanation

To those you perceive as DIFFERENT from you, to those who are not part of your circle of friends and by friends I mean people who are willing to come to your house to bring you a hot soup if you need it (nothing to do with "virtual" friends) you NEVER owe any explanation.

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alessandra quattordio
Them and us

Lately I have been interested in the various dynamics and ideologies of the community. There are obviously many interesting themes but what attracts me at the moment is the very root of the community idea or " Them and Us ".

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alessandra quattordio
Piece of cake

I take my cue from the title of a very nice book which I recommend you read. The book is written by Enrico Ruggeri for whom I have no interest as a singer but whom I greatly appreciate as a writer.

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alessandra quattordio
Disposable world

At an ever-increasing speed, totally unaware, we have fallen into the bleakest nihilism. There are no more diversified cultures but a single narcissistic culture with different variations. It is not necessary to commit to making a love or friendship relationship work, as anyone can be replaced in a few "clicks".

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alessandra quattordio
Positive Thinking

Despite my hypercritical position towards our society and the direction taken that is leading directly and quickly towards a collapse, many are amazed at what seems to be my exaltation with respect to the time we are called to live.

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alessandra quattordio
Paving the way by walking

Many are looking for a path to follow but you create your way with every step and intersects with those of many others who proceed in a similar direction, at least for a certain period. So start walking but allow me to give you some tips to adopt along the way.

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alessandra quattordio
Project Polis

For friends and those interested who are far away, I write here a few lines to give a first ideal shape to the new project we are materializing. The conceptual cue comes from our present. A present where nothingness, emptiness and nihilism are rapidly expanding.

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The Yoga Teacher in the Postmodern age

One wonders what the role of the Yoga teacher could be in this postmodern era. As it's clear to everyone, Yoga, among all motor activities, is the one that has lent itself most to postmodernist transformation where everything is digital and practitioners are virtually interconnected, everyone practicing in their home convinced that their energies are exchanged through the ether while the earthly reality is called solitude.

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alessandra quattordio
All shall pass in a moment

I happen to spend moments or whole days a little subdued. By "subdued" I mean that I take for granted many tiny ordinary and extraordinary events of my daily life. Things like in the morning, as soon as you wake up enjoy the sound of her breathing still heavy, the sparkling feeling of the cold shower followed by those twenty minutes of seated meditation that I do not know what they are for but they are a great enjoyment.

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alessandra quattordio
Love Relationships during Postmodernism

I juggle between the advertisements of bars and clubs to understand where things are going and to make appropriate choices for us (Cascina Bellaria) and I feel old. Great tits and ass to make you faint, venues that imply the unbridled fun, the ease of making acquaintances all extremely cool people.

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alessandra quattordio
The meaning of our existence

It is clear that the contemporary involute hominid adapts to a bodily survival. It does not matter if you have a shabby body unable to give real satisfaction. The ideal of this strange contemporary variant of homo sapiens is to spend time on the sofa at home in total safety, maintaining a flat standard of living, supported by his jailers, socializing only digitally perhaps through a virtual avatar.

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alessandra quattordio
The Twilight of the Gods

The twilight of the Gods, of which Nordic mythology speaks, is not simply the evaporation of every type of faith and belief, but above all the disappearance of the myth, the example, or if you prefer the archetype that represents a value that goes beyond mere survival or beyond the idea of self-realization as a quick enrichment and without banging about.

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alessandra quattordio
Destroy the moderate in you

The moderate is the product and nourishment of a society devoted to flattening. The moderate "pulls ahead" but does not "live". The moderate does not stand up, he levels himself. The moderate accepts the most absurd laws with the excuse "I can't do anything about it". The moderate needs to "appear".

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alessandra quattordio

The intent is clear. Standardize people by making them read the same news with identical "edits", make them eat the same food, watch the same movies and television formats, listen to the same "music", stuff it with rainbow globalist slogans that tame minds to the point of convincing them even of the absurd or that we are all equal without differences of sex, race, culture.

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alessandra quattordio
On the Rebel’s side

The Rebel is the archetype that guides us. The Rebel is not necessarily muscular and tattooed. Today, the rebellion is, first of all, an interior act. It is the refusal of flattening, it is the radical and total refusal of a society in which pleasure is determined by likes on FB and the pain by hysterical noises of the digital social world.

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alessandra quattordio