Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?

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Book: Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip Kindred Dick (1968)
Movie: Blade Runner - Ridley Scott (1982)

If you’ve only watched Blade Runner and haven’t read the book that inspired it :“Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?", I strongly recommend you read it as it is so much more that the already way-above-the-norm movie.

Written by that crazy visionary verging on the border of madness such as Philip K. Dick who managed to survive briefly in a “sane” world inhabited by “dysfunctional beings”, the story told is the one of a humanity that as lost all “sense” and of machines with “feelings”.

It is the story of a world depopulated of almost all animals and where the few ones left seem to be the only ones keeping some sort of “sanity” in a crumbling society. 
Does it ring a bell?

The novel is from the 60s, I read it years ago when the topic seemed too futuristic, today it feels quite a current topic, the story was in fact envisioned for the year 2019…Tomorrow!


Massimo Monti