The Community path

A few days ago a friend, seeing me wearing a t-shirt with the print "The path of men is the community" asked me: "Do you seriously believe it?". I first questioned myself and now with this post I answer her publicly.

I don't believe in hippie/newage communities based on the Roussonian ideal of the "noble savage". According to this idea, and all those of Enlightenment derivation, if you take human beings and give them "clear", "fair" and "equal" rules, giving everyone the same opportunity to express themselves and speak with the same "weight", educating them to do-goodism and respec, these will live well and in harmony. 

All existing communities in Italy, or the vast majority of them, are based on this unhealthy idea and clearly do not work.

I believe it is necessary to pursue an idea of a different community that has the task of preserving what little humanity is left and that is made of very few individuals who share the same cultural background and have, consequently, common interests and language. 

This community can only be structured vertically, that is, with a meritocratic hierarchy and nothing that comes close to a direct democracy, let alone a representative one. Perhaps the right term to use is not community but Clan, or a sort of extended family, without necessarily blood ties between all members, involving no more than 20-30 individuals.

Those who belong to the Clan always put the interests of the Clan first, are ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of the community and always defend their friends or the only people who belong to it. Those outside are not necessarily enemies but neither are they potential friends.

Here perhaps starting from these premises something good can come out and in any case today it is worth trying.      


alessandra quattordio