Useless and proud

I reject the prevailing utilitarian mentality. I love what's useless. Things like philosophy, music and art. Don't get me wrong, with music I don't mean that commercial entertainment that you hear in stadiums and large arenas or in clubs as background to chatter. I love to bring my body to experience extreme fatigue and limitation. But I was born in an era that pushes you to survive on a couch, entertained by fake relationships and entertainment programs, where you do not need to study anything because the answers can be found on Google.

I love to nurture useless qualities such as honor and pride while the society in which I live is useful to submissiveness, hospitality and other monstrosities enclosed in that goosebumps neologism that is the word resilience.

My ancestors sought greatness, the purpose of their life was not to be useful but to be Great, to act not to stack goods but to resemble the Gods and thus earn their closeness and be part of their circle. In the midst of so many falls and moments of great disappointment towards myself, I do not give up and follow their tracks with humility. 

I proudly pursue what is socially useless by doing what I can to serve no purpose to the controlling society in which I have the honor to live.


alessandra quattordio