"The Noble Beast." - Marco M.

The Noble Beast.

This neo-archetype created by Jack Donovan, which I rework here in a personal way, represents what the awakened Being must strive for.

The Noble Beast is not the halved man promoted by modern intellectualism, that is, a being forgetful of his own body and animal instincts. The castrated being, exalted by the infamous Age of Enlightenment, gives more value to intellectual tasks and ignorantly discriminates against those who are more practical and naturally inclined to manual skills. Postmodern society thus fills universities where young people are devitalized, normalized and educated, which has nothing to do with culture.

The Noble Beast recognizes its most animal, aggressive and predatory instincts yet it manages to sublimate them without being overwhelmed by them and uses them only when necessary. The awareness of one's own wholeness and animality thus avoids, as is mostly the case today, being slaves to a hysterical and latent aggressiveness that dirties every relationship but makes one supine and subservient to power. 

The Noble Beast recognizes and utilizes their rational gifts without letting them go beyond the realms where they can be useful. He/She does not try, for example, to understand the Spirit and Love intellectually because they do not belong to his intellectual sphere.

The Noble Beast thus integrates the animal and the modern intellectual, thus emancipating itself from the biological machine, it does not know resentment and passionately loves its present.
