Science, Religion and Truth
What is astonishing in the human being is the "acceptance" of these fairy-tales as real, basing their lives on them, making them (their lives) so miserable and expecting others to also accept them, thus infecting other people's lives with their own ignorance.
There is a whole host of ignorant people who believe that science is above the parts and therefore truthful.
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Words, silence and communicating
I wonder if there is really a need for this constant noise. Do we really have to talk for hours without saying nothing?
I always thought that words were important and in a way, I still think so. I believe communication is fundamental to understand and to be understood by the surrounding world. Yet lately my thought has changed.
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The Silence (aka: The Long Ride)
Written words are always sort of sleazy, once read they tend to dissolve in ether, at the most just remaining as distorted and far away echoes promptly absorbed by the immeasurable cosmic ear.
Most probably, being less obtuse and square than what I’m, an article or novel with such a title would never be published or proposed; the “dream story”, indeed, of many non-authors (as I’m): “The Long Ride”.
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Pain, choosing to suffer and the recipe for a better living
We suffer when the mind story that we live only within our psyche deviates from reality.
Pain, both physical and mental, simply happens beyond our will. The body gets sick, we get injured, a dear friend dies. We cannot do anything about it. Suffering is very different thing and only when one is lying between the coils of ignorance it gets mistaken for pain: suffering does not happen; one chooses to suffer, mostly unconsciously.
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The books and the journey – part 2
The books to bring on a trip are one of the ways to stay on the journey. Accounts that show other people’s outlook on stories near or far, they become magnifying lenses on the present.
Squeezing through bodies and objects in the souks is a challenge. The sandals are dirty with mud and organic residues and the skin impregnated with strong, sweetish or savory scents.
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Obstacles, problems and that marvelous thing called LIFE
Enraptured by the adrenaline of the moment and the beauty of the landscape we stop the car and dance in the middle of the road with the moths that seem to dance with us, drugged by the lights of the car headlights.
I landed in the US with Emanuela, in Portland, Oregon on September 22nd. I had picked a nice place called Austin (not the one in Texas) as the first stop on our trip, a village of 200 inhabitants near the mountains of Toiyabe in Nevada, which I knew about through a novel by Don Winslow and that fascinated me for its beauty and its desolation.
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The books and the journey
Almost never have I bought a book by chance that I did not like the editorial project or, at least, the cover image. Sometimes I was disappointed, but less than what statistics could confirm.
Meknes’ Medina, part of the poorer market. I'm looking for a book.
Any book, I tell myself, as long as it allows me to have something to read during the long journeys on public transport from one place to the other and in the evening, after walking all day in the African sun.
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Maya-Land, the Ephemeral Small Country
I left early the “Small Country”, just because I felt suffocated and constricted, even though I soon discovered that any “Country” defined as such, has its own limits.
I was born and raised in a part of this planet called Italy.
I bear a Passport issued by the so called “Italian Republic”.
I’m therefore considered an “Italian Citizen”, at least according to the actual denominational system even though I never fully understood what it really means.
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Decadence of the Western Empire
I would like peace to be a resource and not a weakness, and that a greater degree of freedom and tolerance that we have sweated over the centuries is not lost because of our ineptitude.
Metaphorically speaking the full belly and the peace have made us beings without “balls”. On the one hand, the Western style has colonized the world while his exhausted body is rotting.
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Super Team Bellaria
The reality is that when you have the sensitivity and the proper attention you can become what you want.
The summer season is ending and I would like to use this space to thank all those who contributed in making our 2018 season the best ever, in terms of quality and quantity. Our Bellaria style doesn’t follow the stereotype: "I won’t do anything that is not my job role" rather, it is a "bubble" in which those who enter are available to do what needs to be done.
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Ageing and wisdom
Nowadays older people are perceived as stuffed animals that should last as long as possible even to the detriment of the quality of life.
A good friend of mine (Max Monti) often reminds me that it’s not that growing older equals to being wiser, it’s simply that one is physically forced to be more conscious in order to survive. That is, if you’re older and lead the same lifestyle as you led in your twenties, you risk to burn the candle extremely fast.
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On fear, the need of securities and the art of being free
We are complex beings in need of thousands of small specialist “sub-religions” to believe in.
Human beings have always needed certainties to subdue and control the fear of the unknown. We do not know who we are, we do not know why we're here, we do not even know where we are. Truth is, we know nothing and no matter how hard we try, every discovery is pregnant with a new mystery, every peak we reach only reveals to us a chasm and an even higher and seemingly more unreachable peak.
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The lack of responsibility is so viral that reaching the "person in charge" of anything is almost impossible.
Ours are times of dark dis-empowerment. The bureaucracy is an impenetrable wall built specifically to avoid giving grips. Think about when you have a problem with some services. You make the call and whoever answers the phone is never the person in charge with whom you can vent your frustration, rather it is a just "shield".
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Open up to Bliss
To call it a Festival doesn't do it any justice, Bliss is its own entity, growing and changing like a wave, always moving.
Bliss Beat Festival will begin the day after tomorrow and our happiness is increasing by the minute.
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Anti method
Anything we may classify as “real”, more often than not it’s simply the idea that’s been best advertised.
I take inspiration from a great science philosophy book written by Paul Karl Feyerabend (who I believe to be one of the brightest mind in the world) to write a couple of things about learning methods. Science studies, analyses and “understands” reality by separating one event/element from another. Said method totally fakes reality making it the shadow of itself.
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What the Chackra!
But there is also another portion of people, luckily very small, for which yoga doesn't do them any goodand that perhaps should devote themselves to something else.
I love watching humans interact in an unfamiliar environment.
I love observing the dynamics and the energies that develop between the long-term or short-term guests, the friendships, the kindness and the spirit of mutual protection that are born between most of them.
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Spontaneity, freedom and lightness
When spontaneity is missing, a pattern arises, an obvious effort to look interesting, crushed by the burden of constraint.
The need to be seen, heard and respected seems to go hand in hand with trivial expressivity. Every day I hear hundreds of thousands words though very rarely I hear something worth listening to.
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The most precious things in life are free
It's true, here you get the feeling the time slows down to let you breathe, yet it passes so quick that “tomorrow” it will be time to go home and start again.
It’s been a few weeks since I arrived in the earthly heaven called Cascina Bellaria.
Far away from the city frenzy, from the meltdowns of those who fuss about “making it” and the arrogance of those who believe to be on the trail, I find myself immersed in a thoroughly unique space-time bubble. I don’t miss my usual comforts (ok, perhaps I miss my sofa a little), I don’t miss the chaos, I don’t miss the happy hour in the city centre, nor I miss the penetrating and unrepentant pollution.
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Hari-Om: a school versus the spreading catatonic feeling
In politics those who win are not those who have ideas but the ones focusing on the fear/promise of security
Every day we have new rules, restrictions and prohibitions in the name of peace and security. Music clubs and art galleries close down, crushed by bureaucracy, costs and rules. In the name of safety, it is almost impossible to sell local products because everything has to be packed in a single plastic dose. Every restaurant must have tables and charts on intolerances, contents, cross-contamination procedures.
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Saturn in opposition
Since I understood that blaming others and the world is useless, I feel I enjoy the present more and I am proud to be able to smile even when things don’t go as planned.
I’m at the post office. The usual Thursday afternoon’s post office vibe, with a dozen plus crowd waiting their turn and 5 employees working. It’s hot and air con has not been switched on yet. Two kids run around and a dog wails.
I take the number for the despatch queue (careful not to get another queue number or else!). Two minutes pass, no number is called, no one at the counter. Employees keep their eyes on the computer screen and nothing happens.
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